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Diablo 4 Patch 1.03 Fixes Big Gameplay Fixes and More. While the original game focused on a nameless. The game is the sequel to Gangsters: Organized Crime, also published by Eidos. Gangsters 2 was designed by both Peter Moreland and Rob Davies. It was developed by Hothouse Creations, with Eidos Interactive as publishers. At times the gameplay can get monotonous as its pretty much the same thing level after level, only with more and more enemies to contend with. By following Gangsters 2: Vendettas line of reasoning, youll eventually have to 'off' God, as he (or she) created Adam. Gangsters 2: Vendetta is a 2001 PC video game. The AI has some problems but with the newest patches its not as bad. Tools of the trade will include Tommy Guns, pistols, bombs, kidnapping, shotguns, hired assassins, bribery, cars of all sorts (drive-by shootings), and the like. Wage a war over the turf of the city to avenge the death of your father while protecting your business owners and gangsters. However, instead of "training" units, or in this case, gangsters to wage your war, you hire them by checking out ads in the local newspaper (I know, in the newspaper!) Take control of your enemy's buildings and set up illegal joints for gambling, printing presses, speakeasies, stills, breweries, brothels, and many, many more. All the similar files for games like Gangsters 2: Vendetta in the 'Strategy Games' category can be found in Downloads on pages like Full games & demos, Mods & add-ons, Patches & updates and Wallpapers. Gangsters 2: Vendetta download section contains: playable demo, update, trainer. The gameplay is similar to Command & Conquer, strangely enough. Download for free files to Gangsters 2: Vendetta. Gangsters 2: Vendetta is a relatively simple story about a Gangster named Joey Bane who seeks revenge for the death of his father at the hands of another gangster.